Setting Up Smart Links
A Smart Link is a predefined destination path used on a campaign. They are useful for creating default redirects defined by paths set up by the user. The paths can be defined using preferred criteria (i.e. by Country, carrier, operating system etc) for each individual campaign and are useful for redirecting traffic to different campaigns, landing pages, URLs or offers. Preset Smart Links can be used across multiple campaigns once they are configured to simplify campaign setup. This feature eliminates the need to manually setup the Redirect tab where preset Smart Links can be used instead to redirect traffic across multiple campaigns.
1. Creating a new Smart Link
- Under the Smart Links tab -> New/Edit
- Enter your smart link name and select Save. This will prompt you to the New configuration
- Note: The status of your Smart Links will be set as inactive until your default path is defined in the following steps. You will be able to enable your Smart Links once this is complete.
2. Editing Smart Link Rules
Paths are set target destination(s) for traffic received in a campaign. There are two different types of Rules:
- Default Rule
- The default rule is required for every smart link. This is where you traffic will go with the rest of the rules don't apply to your current traffic
- Custom Rules
- Custom rules target a particular destination based on a set of criteria
Both of these rules share many of the same aspects. Here or some of the features they have in common
- Destination Type:
- This allows you to set your destination to direct to offer, campaign, landing page, or URL
- If selecting a Landing Page Destination, remember to pair each Destination LP with a Destination Offer before proceeding.
- You can have any number or of paths for each rule.
- This allows you to set your destination to direct to offer, campaign, landing page, or URL
- Weight:
- A path’s weight value is used to set traffic distribution. This is useful when setting multiple paths. The default weight is 1 for each path and will be evenly distributed across multiple paths unless edited by the user. This value can be edited at any time to the preference of the user for each path selected.
- Destination:
- You can now add your Landers and Offers to your path. Select your Destination path and assign a weight. The weight will be set as 1 by default. Alternatively, you can enable Machine Learn (ML) to optimize traffic to your predefined destinations. This will automatically disable your preset weights and our system will auto optimize your smart links. Please refer to our ML activated Smart Links article for more information regarding ML optimization for your Smart Links.
After finishing setting up your default rule:
- Select Save and your default rule will be configured
- You may add another path for your default path by selecting repeating the steps above under “+ New path”
- Now you will be ready to configure your additional Custom Rules which enable traffic to be filtered to a particular destination based on specific criteria and values. Remember that Default Rules do not have any traffic targeting options.
Creating custom rules:
- Click on New Rule and a new window will be prompt you to set up your new rule.
- Continue to name your rule under the Rule Name
- Select your Criteria type to which you would like to target your traffic (i.e. Traffic, Country, Carrier, Platform & etc). Each Criterion will be viewed as a branch on the side Smart Links panel. Toggle between the Matching and Not Matching button to filter your results as needed.
- For this example, the ‘Country’ Criteria has been selected and a new drop down will prompt your selection. Select your preferred countries and press the > button to add to the list.
- Hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard to select multiple items on the list using your mouse.
- You can add any number of Criterion.
- Repeat the steps outlined above for creating any number of New Path(s) for this rule. Click Save to create your new rule which will now be populated with your previously created Default Rule as shown below.
- Once your Smart Link is created, you may toggle the status Active or Inactive under status. Setting the status to active will allow traffic to be handled for the Path and vice versa. You can view your Active and Inactive smart links which are populated under the Smart Link ‘List’ tab on the left panel.
2. Adding Smart Links to Your Campaign
Once you have configured your Smart Link and set the status to Active, you can add your Smart Link to your campaign(s). You will have two available methods of linking your Smart Links to your campaigns.
- Under the Campaign tab, you can select a smart link as a destination
- Under the path settings tabs, you can select a smart link to use with this campaign, or create a new one.
- Once you are done with your campaign configuration, you can proceed to update and Save your campaign.
- Under the Smart Link List tab, select the Smart Link you would like to add your campaign(s) with the Details You will see the number of campaigns with each Smart Link under the Associated Campaigns column.
- Under the Manage Associated Campaigns panel, you can now select your from your campaign list and link your Smart Link to your campaigns.
Tip: You can select any number of campaigns to link with your Smart Link.
- Once your campaigns are added to your Associated Campaigns, Save your Smart Link and it will now be active.
3. Cloning Smart Links for Split Testing
Smart Links are also unique as they offer the option of cloning existing Paths which are useful for split testing amongst numerous Paths within a Smart Link. This saves time when setting up multiple Smart Links tested across campaigns.
- Navigate through the Smart Link List and select the Smart Link you’d like to clone.
- Once the Smart Link configuration has been opened, select Clone and a new window will prompt you with the cloned Smart Link. Set a Name and configure the remaining settings for the new Patch based on your preferences.
- Make adjustments to your any Criteria and Landing Pages/Offers to your liking in your Path.
- Save your changes to your Smart Link.
You Did It!!
Nice work! By mastering this set up, you've just gained complete control in optimizing your Campaign to Offer set up. You won't find a better system than this on the market.
You must be pretty smart. I might even dare to say you're as smart as these Smart Links.. Hah!
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