We know that you'll need to have many different users accessing your Track Revenue Account. That's why we created User Accounts. Each person can have their own sub account within your company's Track Revenue Account.
Here's a Step-by-Step guide to creating a User Account:
1. Go to the Account Settings>User Account Page
2. Click the "Create A New User"
3. Input a Username, First Name, Last Name, Email, and Timezone for your new User Account
4. Select an Authorization Role
Each User Authorization Role has a distinct level of access and visibility to your Track Revenue. For details, see our User Authorization Role Types - Access and Visibility Reference Document.
Here is a list of our User Authorization Role Types:
- Administrator
- Manager
- Publisher
- Advertise
- Configurator
- Traffic Buyer
- Traffic Source
- Sub Advertiser
- Affiliate
- Affiliate Manager
5. Click "Create"
You will be directed to a page with an overview of the details for the user you just created. An email confirmation will be sent to the provided email address.
You Did It!!
Enjoy your brand new User Account! Delegating responsibilities has never been easier. Let us do the thinking for you!
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